Ramon Jan Vet-Britney
Oil on canvas
€ 3000

Ramon Jan Vet


1958 Wormerveer

The Netherlands

1986-1989 Gerrit Rietveld Academy te Amsterdam

Artist Ramon Jan Vet makes colorful, narrative canvases. Pop art like figures and motifs are the main characters. But also motifs from the work of other artists and from popular culture are used. Ramon Jan Vet uses existing material that he reuses, also called appropriation art or re-enactment, a method that has been used by many artists throughout the centuries. Vincent van Gogh was inspired and painted works by Delacroix, Millet, Rembrandt and others. Subjects were landscapes, portraits of farmers, workers, beggars. This was new, until that time the upper class such as nobility, dignitaries were depicted. It was about depicting the experience of the simple working, plodding man. In their work the suffering, the pain was directly depicted. Art in the period 1900-1930 changed because of the economic crisis and the First World War. Personal stories, psychological complaints, doubt, fear, choices, cause and effect, obsessive-compulsive neuroses, hallucinations, were portrayed in their work. It was all about the human condition. Dali, Duchamp, Picabia were inspired by film. Bunuel, Hitchcock, Walt Disney, were inspired by Dali. Picasso, and Braque were already working on it when they made their cubist collages. Pop Art artists such as Claes Oldenburg, Ed Ruscha, James Rosenquist, Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein were also inspired by everyday images they depict in their work. It was about the freedom of mankind in everyday reality. It was about the everyday routine, is that a ritual, which repeats itself over and over again as a meditation mantra. And trying to find good fortune in it. To be who I am. Is art zen. Is art an imitation of reality or reality an imitation of art. In the 80’s the term appropriation art was launched and the appropriation of already existing works of art, statements and images became a theme, purpose and an art in itself.

Ramon Jan Vet distorts, fantasizes, stylizes, enlarges, repeats and links utensils, portraits, fashion, advertising, music, applied arts, art history, newspaper reports and image quotations from various media. By combining and remixing these image fragments he wants to create a visual language with a new content. With this visual language he investigates whether you can depict different emotions of the same subject. Where it deviates, it becomes special. He creates a new world with all the separate images. His world with his thoughts, doubts, ideas, feelings, emotions. A work is finished when the result corresponds with the idea he had in his head and the feeling in his heart. The work has to evoke questions. Then there is a connection between the art and the viewer. Is his art autonomous, independent, or another reality ? Art is art if it can evoke an intimate eloquence in the viewer. Is that another reality? Or is that happiness? Is happiness a good painting, a drop of happiness, when you see one everything lights up for a moment. Art you can think about. Art that gives you a good feeling. His work is a personal interpretation that refers to certain emotions, ideas, memories. Thoughts, feelings and/or states of mind suggest. And evokes other associations that appeal to the human condition. Like birth, growing up, desires, life philosophy, sorrow, love, faith, love, success, money, friendship, hope, happiness, pain, sin, sickness, loss, death. Is art about the cycle of life and death. Can give art comfort and beauty for those who want to experience and feel it. Ask yourself questions about what actually happens when you look at art. experience, experience. What do you feel? What do you see ? Tell, describe what you see? Is it true or not true or real or not real what you see? What do you know about the work? Then you can get another insight. Is art a reflection of the human soul represented by the artist?

Read his inspiring, fun, raw, cabaretesque, imaginative, humorous sometimes serious surprising life art blog, columns & stories. A different perspective on life and the time we live in. Is about art, life, his life, our life and many other things that concern you as a human being. He covers the following topics such as, Man and Happiness, Corona – Crisis, Climate Girl, Donor Law, Donald Duck Management, Smartphone, Facebook, Tattoo, Beach, Church, Colleague, Murwmanagement, Hospital, Uncle Piet, Muddling, Free, Viagra, Artist, Exhibition, Letter to Vincent, Vincent’s Portrait, David Hockney, Sunflowers, Pop Art, Marcel Duchamp, and many more.

Kind regards,
Ramon Jan Vet