biography anchor

1936 The Hague, The Netherlands
2018 The Hague, The Netherlands
1955-1960 Royal Academy of Visual Arts tin The Haque, The Netherlands
1963-1991 Teacher at University of Arts at Arnhem, The Netherlands
1983-1988 Chairman at Pulchri, Society D’Arts, The Haque, The Netherlands
Jurjen de Haan belongs to the post-war generation of the Hague School of Painting. He studied painting at the Koninklijke Accademie voor Beeldende Kunsten, The Hague from 1955 to 1960, including with Co Westerik.
In addition to a photorealistic phase (1970s), he focused on the artistic ideas and visual language of the Cobra Group, of which Karel Appel, Constant or Asger Jorn were significant members. Their primary goal was to express emotional states immediately and spontaneously. Like the Cobra artists, Jurjen de Haan used a spontaneous style of painting to create his brightly colored, abstract figurative compositions.
Based on the poetry of the 1950s, the literature should become the driving force and inspiration of his painting oeuvre: ‘I was a follower of Cobra and the poetry of the 1950s. It must have been in 1951 that I worked in the Hoonhoud bookstore in Laan van Meerdervoort as the youngest, or rather, the ‘lowest’ employee, as a man with a pack of copied poems that spoke to me solely by reputation came. There were eleven atonal poets on the title page. I knew them, they were all rank and name, they were innovative and experimental. One of the poems made me almost dizzy. What was it: the form, the content? It was all together – I saw colors, the smell of smoke and heard noises. The title was “Februarizon”, the name of the poet was Paul Rodenko ‘(quoted from: In memoriam Jurjen de Haan, in: Extaze, Literair Tijdschrift, link: https://www.extaze.nl/?p=9757) .
De Haan’s works are often subsumed under the keywords “post-cobra” and lyrical abstraction. They have abstract figurations that develop an individual life of their own on the picture surface and illustrate the almost childishly naive joy of the artist in the design. Colored forms, sometimes with, sometimes without contours, which De Haan formulates in a free brush style on the picture surface, stand against a mostly gray-toned background, which emphasizes the intrinsic values of the colors even more.
De Haan worked as a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts in Arnhem from 1963-1991, and also headed the Pulchri Studios art association in The Hague from 1982-1987
Awarded several prizes, his works have been presented in numerous exhibitions and are included in important company collections in the Netherlands. In 2003 the Hague City Council bought one of his paintings as a gift to Prince Willem Alexander and Princess Maxima on the occasion of the birth of their first daughter Amalia.
Pulchri Studios, The Hague will dedicate a memory exhibition to Jurjen de Haan and his life partner Maarten van Dreven 2019 (13.01.-03.02.2019).
-Academisch Ziekenhuis (MCL), Leiden,The Netherlands
-Aegon,The Haque,The Netherlands
-Aero Groundservices, Schiphol Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Ahold – Albert Heyn, Zaandam, The Netherlands
-AMC Ziekenhuis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-ArtCommunication, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-B.A.T. Nederland B.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlnds
-BASF Nederland B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands
-Beers Bedrijfsauto B.V., Leidschendam, The Netherlands
-Besturenraad Prot. Chr. Onderwijs, Voorburg, The Netherlands
-Billiton Int. Metals B.V., Leidschendam, The Netherlands
-Blauwhoed – Eurowoningen, Rotterdam, The Netherland
-Coltex B.V., Heerhugowaard, The Netherlands
-Cooperatieve Vereniging van Bondsspaarbanken, Utrecht, The Netherlands
-DSM Desotech, Hoek van Holland, The Netherlands
-Eegim Shoes, Waalwijk, The Netherlands
-Europese Investeringsbank, Luxemburg
-Frits Becht, Muiden, The Netherlands
-Dutch Parliament,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Haags Gemeentemuseum, The Haque, The Netherlands
-Hoofddirectie Nederlandse Philipsbedrijven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-Hotel Restaurant Prinses Juliana, Valkenburg, The Netherlands
-Industrieel Assurantie Kantoor, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-Informatie Centrum World Trade Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Intertoys Nederland, Waddinsveen, The Netherlands
-Krans en Van Hilten Advocaten, The Haque, The Netherlands
-Landbouwuniversiteit Wageningen, The Netherlands
-Landis, Utrecht • Lifoka kopie en print B.V.,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Medisch Centrum Haaglanden,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Mens Makelaardij, Lisse, The Netherlands
-Ministerie van Sociale Zaken,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Moret, Ernst & Young,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Museum Dordrecht, Dordrecht, The Netherlands
-N.V. Bank Nederlandse Gemeenten,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Nationale Nederlanden, Alabama; U.S.A.
-Nationale Nederlanden,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Ned. Credietverzekering Maatschappij N.V., Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Nederlandse Waterschapsbank, Den Haag
-Novem, Utrecht, The Netherlands
-O.N.V.Z., Houten, The Netherlands
-O.P.G., Utrecht, The Netherlands
-Philips Consumer Electronics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Politie Limburg Zuid, Heerlen, The Netherlands
-Pons, Schroeder en Boodt Notarissen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Pulsar Industrial Research B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-Raadgevend Bureau Claessens, Utrecht, The Netherlands
-Randstad Uitzendbureau, Muiden, The Netherlands
-Reaal Verzekeringen B.V., Utrecht, The Netherlands
-Rijksmuseum Meermanno – Westreenianum, The Haque, The Netherlands
-Rode Kruisziekenhuis,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Schenkler BTL B.V., Ede, The Netherlands
-Scherpenhuizen Groente en Fruit, Veldhoven, The Netherlands
-Sibbing en Wateler C.S. Adviesgroep BV, Veenendaal, The Netherlands
-Stadhuiscollectie Wethoudersvleugel,The Haque, The Netherlands
-Steinhauser en Hoogenraad Advocaten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Thonet Meubelen, Beesd, The Netherlands
-Uitzendbureau Start, Gouda, The Netherlands
-V.M.V. Notarissen, Wateringen, The Netherlands
-Wilma Vastgoed B.V., Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
-Wolters — Samson, Alphen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands
-Woningbouwvereniging Patrimonium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Corporated Collections Mediated by Foundation Art & Communication ( ArtCircle, ArtCommunication and The ArtCommunicators ):
-Ministery of Justice – Den Engh, Den Dolder, The Netherlands
-Gipsbouw, Utrecht, The Netherlands
-Congrex, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Ballast Nedam, The Netherlands
-Boston Consulting Groupe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Voorbij Groep Wilnis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Nationale Regiopers, Amsterlveen, The Netherland
-Euro Bussiness Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Amrop Int., Amstelveen The Netherlands
-CSM Bakery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Dutch building Activity Group, Maarssen, The Netherlands
-Europese Culturele Stichting, Amsterdam
-Weka Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-NS , Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
-Pollyflame Amsteram, The Netherlands
-Jacob Hartogprijs
-2e prijs expositie Nationale Nederlanden Den Haag
-Grabowsky en Poort Prijs
-3e Prijs Jubileumexpositie Rijksluchtvaartdienst
Group Exhibitions
-Galerie Ruth Steinmüller– 3 Kunstler aus Holland, Worpswede. Germany
-Contour Delft, The Netherlands
-Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-St. Pietersabdij, Gent, Belgum
1976 – 1977
-Rondreizende expositie Canada Aspects of Realism Rothmans Presentatie, Canada
-Modern Watercolours from The Hague Norwich Castle Museum, England
-Artistas Modernos de Holanda, Mexico City
-De Zonnehof – Van Dreven-De Haan, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
-Art on Paper, Ottawa; Canada
-Miniatuur Museum Galerie Reflex, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-KunstRai Amsterdam De Greef & De Greef, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
-Art + Image, De Greef & De Greef Grote Kerk Den Haag, The Netherlands
-Haagse Kunstkring, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Haagse Kunstkring-Roze – Geel – Groen, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Artoteek The Haque- Lijsttrekkers kiezen voor kunst, The Netherlands
-Haagse Kunstkring Taal – Beeld – Taal, The Haque, The Netherlands
-Kurhaus Scheveningen, The Netherlands
-Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. De nieuwe realisten – De Nieuwe Haagse School – deel II: de jaren 70, The Netherlands
-Stadsmuseum Woerden, The Netherlands: Wonderkamers – Arja van Berg en Jurjen de Haan
-DZD Art Gallery, Roermond, The Netherlands: Luc Peters, Eppe de Haan, Jurjen de Haan, Cesare Reggiani – Nieuwe Weg
Solo Exhibitions
-Galerie Orez. The Haque, The Netherlands with P. Struyken
-Kunstzaal ’t Meyhuis, Helmond, The Netherlands met P. Struyken
-Galerie Wout Vuyck, Hilversum, The Netherlands
-Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, The Netherlands: Ateliertentoonstelling
-Galerie Jurka, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Galerie Jurka, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Galerie Marquis, Vlissingen, The Netherlands
-Galerie Jurka, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Galerie Zagwijn, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Galerie De Lange, Emmen, The Netherlands
-Studio R met A. Volten, Mannheim, Germany
-Galerie Zagwijn, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Galerie De Lange, Emmen, The Netherlands
-Galerie Bleyenberg, Leiden, The Netherlands
-Galerie Zagwijn, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Galerie Michel Knops, Sittard, The Netherlands
-Galerie Anny van den Besselaar, Maastricht, The Netherlands
-Kunstruimte Heerenveen, The Netherlands
-Galerie Michel Knops, Sittard, The Netherlands
-Galerie Traject, Utrecht, The Netherlands
-Galerie De Greef & De Greef, Wassenaar, The Netherlands
-Galerie Mia Joosten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Galerie Interart, Heeswijk-Dinther, The Netherlands
-Seasons Galleries, The Hague, The Netherlands
-Museum Het Paleis, The Hague, The Netherlands foto-expositie ‘De tovenaar heeft getoverd
-Galerie De Greef & De Greef. Wassenaa, The Netherlands
-Galerie Art Index, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Galerie Michel Knops. met Maarten van Dreven, The Netherlands
-Galerie Willy Schoots. Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-Jaski Art Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
-Kunstcentrum Zaanstad, Zaanstad, The Netherlands
-Artoteek, The Hague, The Netherlands
-KunstRai Amsterdam, De Greef & De Greef, The Netherlands
-Art Company, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
-Galerie G. Broos, Rucpken, The Netherlands
-Pronkhaan Weerhaan: Het veelzijdig oeuvre van Jurjen de Haan/The varied oeuvre of Jurjen de Haan

Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische documentatie, Den Haag, The Netherland https://rkd.nl/nl/explore/artists/34879
In memoriam Jurjen de Haan, Extaze: https://www.extaze.nl/?p=9757
Nachruf, AD Nieuwsmedia: https://www.ad.nl/den-haag/kunstenaar-jurjen-de-haan-81-overleden~a5f89426/
Scheen 1969-1970 , vol. 1, p. 418 (as: Haan, Jurjen de;*)
Jacobs 1993 , vol. 1, p. 429